It`s been 3 weeks since I was exposed to THE POX by my nephew. My parents and I both think I`ve never had them, though my brother did. And maybe my sister. So if I haven`t had them before, and I don`t have them now, I think I can conclude that I`m naturally immune. Yeah. At least I didn`t get them here. I was really scared I might. If I have to get the pox, fine, but not when I`ve got limited time to enjoy Japan and I`m far away from anyone who could care for me!
I`ve only been here a month, and I am running out of things to blog about. I keep thinking about what interesting tidbit I could share. But the fact is, life is life where ever you live it. Once one gets over culture shock and the novelty of a place, you just get down to the rythm of life. My rythm is get out of bed on Monday, check the weather, read, get ready for work, go to work, spend the day prepping lessons, talk to students, wonder if anyone thinks I`m dressed inappropriately, compare my wardrobe to the other female professors, decide if I`m eating ethnic (a sandwich) or local cuisine for lunch, go home, find a way to kill a couple of hours before bed so I don`t have to sit too long in my rabbit hutch apartment, then go to bed early so I`ll have had a good night`s sleep before my jerk neighbor [I`m sure he`s really very nice, but I`m annoyed] starts stomping around at 4:30am, or before the sun wakes me (at about the same time). Then I repeat that until Friday night, when I hop on a train after work and head for John or Diana`s place. This weekend I`m going to shake up the routine with a trip to Tokyo, and I`ll be going to more places on other weekends. But the weekdays in Japan ain`t so exciting, unless I take a bike ride that leads to a cool discovery. Thank goodness I like my students. They're fun.
But at least I`m enjoying it, for the most part. My days and weeks are busy and enjoyable enough that they`re flying by. That`s way better than hating where I`m at and having time drag.
Have you tried biking to Tokyo?
Now that might be interesting, no?
Talk about an adventure!
life is life where ever you go for sure... even when everyone else thinks it should be exotic!
hey... here's a thought... i have an empty room in my house for most of August and possibly Sept... feel like hanging out in KC?
I just drove from Tokyo home. It took 4 hours. I don`t think that`s a bike adventure I`d enjoy, or survive.
Joyska, good thought. I`ll give it some serious consideration!
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