Wednesday, June 07, 2006

More Japanisms

Words that DO NOT belong together.

WashAmuse and Shower Toilet

I am taking my life into my hands biking around here, and that`s on the sidewalks!! Everyone bikes there, but some of the sidewalks are sooooooo narrow. The teens just about knock me over. I`m going to start staring them down. A nasty looking foreign chick should easily scare the bravado out of `em. Thing is, I see them coming, and I get scared. I`m just not as used to brushing past people and keeping my balance as they are.

OK, lurkers, today`s your day. If you`ve been dropping in to visit and have never commented, stand up and be counted. I`m just curious as to who might be out there.

Have a great day.


Anonymous said...

I am soooo glad that we will be in the 'Peg at the same time this summer!! I will for sure have coffeetime for you!!!

Anonymous said...

i haven't been lurking, but i'll comment anyways. hi cheryl! i miss you!
and i'd jump right off the sidewalk if you were coming at me on a bike with a nasty look in your eye. those poor japanese folk.

Erica said...

What exactly is WashAmuse?

Anonymous said...

hey girl. it's bek, we are living with thee above. It's good. See you in a while.

Cheryl said...

It`s on the sign at a car wash. The car wash is no where near any sort of amusement park or arcade. I don`t know what`s so amusing.