Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Found It!!!

On my latest bike adventure I found out I`m only minutes from the countryside. Turns out those first fields I found weren`t just a fluke, they indicate the southern end of the city! It was so lovely to go for a country ride! And to think I was looking for Jusco (Japan`s Walmart)


Erica said...

You think YOU found it???
I found it too!
What did I find?

I found your blog!

I had looked for it before and couldn't locate it, now that I found it, I added it to my bloglines so I can read along on your fabulous Japanese adventure.

Joyska said...

i'm glad you found the country... wanted to make sure you find the JUSCO too!

Miss ya!

Cheryl said...

Good to "see" ya, Erica.

Miss you too, Joyska. Hope to see you this year.