Didn't mean to imply that all bloggers don't have lives. Sorry, rj. I did get a great laugh out of your comment though. But in defense of my comment, I'm not a person who really likes computers, so I only tend to blog when I haven't much else to do.
So I'm really getting into a "clean the house without killing the environment-or myself" mode. Did I already mention that this has been spurred on by the precautions the government is requiring my workplace to take with common household cleaners? I have found out at work that substances we use everyday are suspected of causing cancer and doing other nasty things too. I'll have to do more research to get all the details. But I feel lied to and conned. Ever since I was a kid, various chemicals have been the way to clean, and I just assumed they were safe (I know, I know, never assume, it could kill you), with the logic that people wouldn't sell stuff that was going to harm other people. (What was I thinking!? I know about arms dealers!) And of course the manufacturers would claim their products are safe, but it turns out "safe" is a relative term. Like, using household cleaners is safer than jumping out of a plane without a parachute, but not "safe" as in these-things-could-never-hurt-you-cause-they're-absolutely-harmless "safe".
So, I experimented today, and I learned something amazing. A mirror wiped with a wet cloth and then dried and buffed with a dry cloth COMES JUST AS CLEAN AS A MIRROR CLEANED WITH WINDEX!!! Who'd have thunk it. The proof is in my bathroom. Come on over and I'll show you. So why spend my money on a glass cleaner? And why risk my health?
I'd love to see the proof ... but how much would that harm the environment - to send an airplane across the ocean just for me to check your mirror??!!
I'd better stay in Germany for the sake of us all ;-)
Oh, did I mention that I love you?!
WPH&S Eh? Yeah, freaked me out too when I was doing that too! Of all your entries this one caught my eye - sad isn't it! Hope all is well
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