Friday, March 17, 2006

AAAAAH! What have I done?!?

Today I gave my car away. Two days ago I called a local charity to find out how I'd have to prepare the car for them, ie. safety check, whatever. I left a message, but spoke to them today. There's nothing to do, they just take the car as is. They were going to pick it up Monday (until I told them I'm keeping it until I go to Japan.) I hung up the phone and was like, "Well, that was easy". Half an hour later as I was getting into my car, it hit me. AAARGH, WHAT HAVE I DONE!!! You see, I LOVE driving, I won't likely be getting another car any time soon, and this is my first car. It's not a very special car, except to me. So I'm getting a little sentimental. In fact, this actually hurts a little bit.

I might have called the guy back and said "forget it" except I reminded myself of all the good things about not having a car, especially the reasons I decided to let it go in the first place ie. I can barely afford it on the salary I choose to make; it's getting to that point in its life where repair bills will increase; and if I give it up I'll have more money for study and travel. So I won't call back and cancel the deal. But I might cry myself to sleep tonight.

1 comment:

Ron said...

A long time ago, seems like a lifetime, I donated my 650 Kawaski motorcycle to the MCC Manitoba relief sale in Morris. It was in perfect shape at the time. I was just overcome with guilt about having a car, a bike and a pick-up truck - it was really about me and my conscience more than about the altruism of the gift.
I've often regretted it, but now I'm feeling much the same way again. I've accumulated alot of stuff once again and I feel an "urge to purge" coming on...
Let the car go, get a good bicycle, you and the world will be better for it.