Monday, February 13, 2006


Whoa, February is slipping away on me. It's already the 13th. Well, I haven't much news to share. My sister was here to visit with me, and she brought along a couple of Japanese friends. I found out I remember more Japanese than I thought. That's still not much. My application to work in Japan is coming along. I just have one more reference to submit. I've got two more weeks of house sitting and then I'm back home. Not doing much reading lately. Started a night course related to my work and am rather enjoying it. Found that it has re-energized my desire to do some theology studies. I'd really like to be a student again for a time. That's about it. What's up with you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Cheryl, dispite your claim of nothing much going on, it sounds like a lot - Japan applications, night courses, house sitting... Sounds interesting.

As for me, I am getting over being sick, getting ready to go have a good sleep. Locking students off the halls accidentally, TRYING to get others to bed on time, and doing the rest of the daily routine of this job. I am also looking forward to some warmer weather we got a teaser of a day yesterday and it was beautiful...I have heard that spring time in Korea is beautiful with all the blossoms... well off to bed! Good night