OK. I know some of you were giving me that message already, but it sounds so much more serious coming from a cop. The BB dude shot at me again (on my birthday!! the nerve) and I called the cops the next day. When I asked about warning the neighbours, the above title is what she said. So that ended my flyer idea pretty quickly.
Thanks to rj's comment, I've been thinking very carefully about what it is to live in the inner city. And I realized, though I still insist that the fear of this area is overblown, I do live with a higher sense of caution here than I did when I lived in North Kildonan last year. I remember walking down Henderson Highway to the corner store, in the dark, once, and realizing I felt really relaxed. As I thought about it, I realized that was because there were no other people on the street (they were all likely too scared to come out of their houses), so I just felt really safe. I didn't have to worry if some person on the street was going to leave me alone or not. It was a nice feeling.
Having said that, I feel pretty safe everywhere in Winnipeg by day, although in my neighbourhood I do keep an eye out. I've been doing it so long, I don't really think of it any more. I want to emphasize I don't feel fear, for in seven years of walking the hookers' streets, past the worst Main Street bars (sometimes after 10pm), and passing by sniffers or sometimes waiting at the same bus stop as them, I haven't had any problems. Some of the sniffers and a hooker or two are people I've gotten to know a bit at church, and once you meet them, they're not so scary, though you have to be wise because people high on sniff are not always in control of themselves and can be dangerous.
Basically, I pray constantly. I literally and regularly ask God if it's a good idea to walk or not when going out at night, or on particular streets. Recently, my route for walking to church on Sunday became an issue. I like it because it is scenic, but there is prostitute action there that wasn't there before. I walked that way a couple of Sundays, making sure I didn't act like a hooker (meaning pay NO attention to the passing cars), then started to feel uncomfortable, and after praying felt I shouldn't go that way any more. This may seem like common sense and over-spiritualization to you, but I refuse to live in fear, and I wasn't going to back down just because I was beginning to get nervous. But having God confirm that I needed to stay out of there, I feel sure that I'm being wise, not just scared.
But I'm running out of computer time, so I have to go.
Hey there! I like your thoughts on the north end and what it is like to live there. Being "streetwise" and sensitive to God without having fear is a balance you need up there. I never was afraid - except maybe one night. I did the same, prayed and listed to my "gut". Love you! I hope you had a good birthday dispite being shot. I will see you in about 4 weeks!
Hi Cheryl,
I think that not allowing yourself to function from a presumption of fear is both wise and Christian. However, there is also the pragmatics of having a 'healthy fear', meaning use common sense. You know you are in a high risk area. Treat it with respect because, at least to some degree, the reputation has been earned.
We've lived on Ingersoll and on Lipton early in our marriage. One day our house was broken into and the thief left a large rock on our coffee table. We shuddered to think what he/she intended to do with that rock if they had found someone at home. The police later told us that the local home break-in statistic was 1 in 4 homes annually. Can you imagine - a 25% chance of being robbed every day? To us that was stunning and it really changed how we thought about our community. It didn't change how we treated our neighbours but we did become alot more conscientious and thoughtful about our security. Well, that was over 20 years ago, hopefully things are alot better now.
Glad you are o.k. and I hope the BB guy get's stopped before someone gets seriously hurt.
man... I hate getting shot at with a BB gun! In Cairo when Ramadan finished all of the little boys were out on the street sporting new BB's and it feels so violating to be shot!
Anyhow, miss you and love you!
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