Oh life! It can just come around and bite you on the a**.
So I last blogged about how I love my neighbourhood. This is still true. However, if you read Joyska's comment, you may be wondering about the house on the corner. Well, it's a rooming house, and one of the rooms is inhabited by a BB or pellet gun toting idiot who shot Joyska a few days ago, since my last blog session. She's OK, or was last I saw her, but suffered some pain to the ear. I really wish she'd call the police, but I will respect her choice not to and not call them either. But I feel like I shouldn't just let it go.
I have an idea to write up a flyer basically saying what happened and where the guy lives and distribute it around the neighbourhood, including his mail box. Then at least the guy would know he's being watched. And the flyer would encourage people to call the cops if they had any issues. I've mentioned this to some people, one of which said I'd be taking a risk. Maybe. I have certainly thought of that. But the guy can't see my place from his place. The one house between us is blocking the view. And it's unlikely he knows where I live. And if I made such a flyer, it would give absolutely no indication at all about where I live. Maybe he'd see me deliver it, but likely not. And even if he did see me, I'm just not too worried about it.
It seems to me a lot of people get away with a lot of stuff just because nobody says anything. Like that girl from my church who was severely beaten a couple of weeks ago. She was on Main Street. It wasn't very late. She ran out into traffic hoping someone would stop. She got no help for 15 minutes or more, by which time she was in bad shape. And her attackers will likely try to pull that stunt again because they can.
I, inspired by Harry Lehotsky, want to be someone with the guts to stand up and say no. That will mean taking risks. I may also take a licking once in a while. But if the good guys (and gals) stay silent, the bad guys win by default. I don't want to see them get off that easy. The more I think about it, the more I want to print up that flyer.
Is talking to/ trying to get to know the guy who did it right out of the question? Doing something kind for him?
the flyer idea is good. why won't joyska call the cops? it's not too late now, even if she would feel silly...
that must have been terrifying for both of you. how sucky.
there's a dealer living in that house, too, by the way. the well-dressed guy, maybe 20ish, possibly east indian or something, his skin is darker than white but hard to identify.
anyways, if there's anything i can do, let me know.
Actually, it wasn't terrifying in the moment, it's more as I think about it that it gets scary.
And making friends with the guy is not an option when you're mad, but as I cool off I do find myself just letting go of the situation.
Come to think of it, trying to befriend the guy would take real courage.
This might seem very random after this post...but I am so looking forward to staying with you!
Hey! Did you get my phone message BEFORE you went to the restaurant I hope? So sorry I missed you. Turns out the sheep AND the lamb died. I told Tim he sure goes to a lot of trouble to avoid a 3-hour drive with me to the city...He was not really amused. Had a good visit with family. It is strange to have things all changed around with mom and dad in a little apartment and all. I think it will get easier in time and we all know this is a great situation for everyone. Here, i am way behind on all fronts. I've been working, working, working all day long and i've barely made a dent. Yesterday i bought a dreamy lamp. Sheldon says it looks like a bad hat, but i love it. It has a beaded fringe. You should get one or two. I also bought some ant deterrent. They love my yard. I caught some in the laundry room once and that is just not acceptable. The weather is gorgeous tho' it is supposed to rain tomorrow. There are blooms everywhere: roses, rhodies, irises, azaleas, phlox and a whole bunch of others i don't know the names of. It is LUSH. After 2 weeks on the beautiful prairie this seems almost claustrophobic. If you ever come out this way, May is a good time scenery wise.... Well, i wish you so many blessings. I miss you. Call when you have some time to visit. YOCR
Wanna me to send DJ in to be the "muscle"?
ha ha
Seriously, I think you're brave to want to stand up for what's right.
Just be careful...
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