I've done it. I've become one of those bloggers that irritate me so, the ones that rarely update and don't say much when they do. Oh well. I started blogging to keep in touch with people more than anything else, and they're still getting more info out of me this way than if they waited for letters.
I've read through Ecclesiastes twice this week. It's probably my favorite book in the Bible, and now I like it even more. I read it in The Message, and instead of "vanity" it uses the word "smoke". I like that. Smoke, smoke, all is smoke. Anyway I've been thinking a lot about how to live life and Eccl. read real practical for me this time around. Solomon is one of the wisest people in history, if not the wisest, and added to his wisdom he had great wealth, which afforded him the opportunity to explore all aspects of life. And he came to the conclusion that everything is a bloody waste of time, that there's nothing in life that doesn't come to nothing in the end. (And that a voluptuous maiden for your bed is "the most exquisite" of pleasures. But even pleasures don't add up to much.) Wealth is made but can't pass with you, and may be left to someone who doesn't deserve it. The righteous and wicked all end up dead, the sun shines on both, yadda yadda yadda. He says a lot. But he also concludes that the only good things to do with life are to find pleasure in it, enjoy it while you can, basically, and fear (honor, respect) God. He didn't say exactly what he saw that made him think fearing God was worth your time, except if I remember correctly he did say that God makes sure the wealth of the wicked passes to the righteous. Yeah, I think that's how he said it. I remember that because when I read it I thought I'd like to see that truth in action, cause it doesn't seem to me it's coming true. (or maybe Donald Trump ain't so wicked!! hee hee)
Anyway, back to me. So, if I'm reading Eccl. right, the way to live life well is to enjoy it as much as possible while honoring God. I like that. Helps me get my head around things, and it jives with what I'd already been wondering. I was wondering about what life would be like if sin had never entered the world. What would there be to do? Maybe there would have been much more, but I'm now convinced that just enjoying creation and God's presence is enough, that I really don't need to do much more with my life.
One difference between Solomon and I is the "Great Commission". In Solomon's time I don't think that godly people (the Jews) were instructed to go out and invite others into Judaism. If others came on their own they were welcomed, but if I understand correctly the Jews weren't expected to be missionaries.
But in my time, as a Christ follower, I am expected to go out and tell everyone about this big, wonderful Kingdom of God that we're all invited to enter. So enjoy life, fear God, and go fishing.
That's [part of?] the meaning of life on earth. :)
1 comment:
Welcome. Hope to "see" you again.
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