I've spent a lot of time over the years wondering how life is supposed to be, what it's meant to look like and how it's best lived, and specifically how my life is meant to be lived. Well, Ecclesiastes has lead to Proverbs, which describes itself as a manual for life. I've read the book before a few times, well not the whole thing, but parts, and it never really seemed like much to me. Now I guess my eyes have been opened. This time I'm listening.
The first 9 chapters are all about wisdom. Solomon figured wisdom was the most valuable possession anyone could acquire. He goes to great lengths describing its ways and virtues. Then the two liner Proverbs start. I haven't read far into them. Just started actually. But there's one that struck me today. I don't remember it exactly, but it basically says that God won't let the righteous starve, but he will frustrate the appetites of the wicked. And I thought that what I can draw from that is to stop fearing poverty. Even if I'm never rich, I can trust I'll always be OK. I think if I can really learn to live in the truth of this proverb, it will impact the risks I'm willing to take in the name of God's kingdom on earth. Anyway, I think a big difference between now and the last time I read this book is somewhere along the way I acquired some faith. Now I read the book knowing Solomon was a wise man who respected the Creator and knowing that he had insight into the human condition that stands through the ages. So I'm reading his books like a how to manual.
Yesterday I got my interview appointment set up with the company in Japan. So I've got a telephone interview for next Monday. I'm a little in shock that things are moving along with this. I've been wanting to go back for so long, actually facing going seems a little surreal. Maybe part of me had given up on the possibility. Anyway, here's hoping for a good interview!!
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