Thursday, December 29, 2005

I'm Just Sick

It happened again tonight. I came across a discussion on sexual slavery as I flipped through TV channels. This issue keeps coming up.

So I have spent the last couple of hours on the net looking up aid agencies and thinking about how to get involved. And coming across a lot of other info as well. We live in a sick world. How do people handle it when they don't believe in a God who will avenge all and protect in the mean time?

Anyway, I'm on a war path. I want to head out on the streets right now and kick pimp ass (I'd be sure to find some, it's 2:18 am) I've had a hero complex ever since my days of playing Luke Skywalker (not Leia, I wanted to be the real hero) and Charlie's Angels.

But I'm thinking hard about what to do and how to educate myself so I won't jump in blindly and do something stupid. And it occurs to me the smartest thing to do is go to the highest court of justice there is, and that means getting on my knees and praying. Then I'll listen, and see if my Lord wants me to do any more. If not, that's fine, cause my prayers will be fighting the battle in the heavenlies, and you can't do more than that.

Pray for the slaves and victims everywhere. You may one day have the joy of meeting the ones your prayers released.


Anonymous said...

Hey Cheryl! I havn't popped by your blog in awhile! Good post. I did a research paper on the selling of women for the sex trade. It was quite a hard topic to look at. You are right about the starting with prayer first and waiting to see what comes out of it though. I think one of the biggest lessons I learned while in university (and it wasn't taught by my professors) is the only way we are going to see REAL LASTING change is through Christ and His return. Also, without addressing sin and the need for repentence people are never really going to change. It sounds harsh but it is true.

Cheryl said...

yeah, it's true, and why good people haven't managed to change the world. Only the Creator has the power to fix the root of our problems.