It happened again tonight. I came across a discussion on sexual slavery as I flipped through TV channels. This issue keeps coming up.
So I have spent the last couple of hours on the net looking up aid agencies and thinking about how to get involved. And coming across a lot of other info as well. We live in a sick world. How do people handle it when they don't believe in a God who will avenge all and protect in the mean time?
Anyway, I'm on a war path. I want to head out on the streets right now and kick pimp ass (I'd be sure to find some, it's 2:18 am) I've had a hero complex ever since my days of playing Luke Skywalker (not Leia, I wanted to be the real hero) and Charlie's Angels.
But I'm thinking hard about what to do and how to educate myself so I won't jump in blindly and do something stupid. And it occurs to me the smartest thing to do is go to the highest court of justice there is, and that means getting on my knees and praying. Then I'll listen, and see if my Lord wants me to do any more. If not, that's fine, cause my prayers will be fighting the battle in the heavenlies, and you can't do more than that.
Pray for the slaves and victims everywhere. You may one day have the joy of meeting the ones your prayers released.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
Just Thinking
Here's an article I pulled from the Elijah List. It's a prophetic site. Check it out if you're curious.
Anyway, I'm not endorsing this article, per se, but I like it and want to contemplate it and refer back to it sometimes, so I thought I'd copy it here, where I can always find it. I do endorse the Elijah List. I'm not saying it's perfect, but I've read a lot of great things there.
"How to Awaken Your Womb of Promise!"
Anyway, I'm not endorsing this article, per se, but I like it and want to contemplate it and refer back to it sometimes, so I thought I'd copy it here, where I can always find it. I do endorse the Elijah List. I'm not saying it's perfect, but I've read a lot of great things there.
"How to Awaken Your Womb of Promise!"
-Dr. Undrai & Bridget Fizer
Undrai & Bridget Fizer International
Your desires are truly validated when you know how to articulate them. Articulating your desire proves that you have taken the time to become intimate with them to the point of being able to speak about them.
There are many who have multiple desires to the point where they cannot focus correctly. Wherever there is much distraction, there is a lack of Discipline. Wherever there is a lack of Discipline, there is a lack of attention, value, and commitment.
When you are dealing with God and the desires of your heart, you must master the art of hearing strategies when it's silent. God is so incredible that He has the capacity to speak soundly when things are so very quiet. You must learn how to hear the Word of God that's assigned for you, even if it doesn't materialize in a regularly scheduled worship service or gathering. At times, God will speak to your heart without informing you that He is about to speak to your heart (see I Samuel 3:1-10).
Recognize The Seasons That God Will Introduce To You
"It is the Glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of king." -Proverbs 25:2
The Shunamite woman desired to be a mother so desperately in her heart. She could just see herself conceiving and delivering a child. She could just feel her identity changing from wife to mother. She could tangibly feel herself taking care of their new child. She felt this, even before she was to conceive. She was already a mother, even before the act of becoming one itself (see II Kings 4:8-17)! Have you become what you so truly desire?
When she saw the man of God walking in the city, she invited him to come and eat. It became a habit to feed him in her house every time he walked into the city. She recognized that he was anointed to the point of awakening her womb of prophetic hope and promise. It is imperative that you recognize the seasons that God will introduce to you in order to awaken your womb of promise. She was intimate with her desire. She knew what she wanted, when she wanted it, and the atmosphere that it was going to take to make it happen!
Have you recognized the type of atmosphere that is necessary to provoke the seed in your womb? When the prophetic seed is divinely provoked, believe me, it will discover a way to Manifest itself!
She then prepared a room for the man of God. Her desires instructed her to expand her borders as a result of receiving the Power of God that was resonating through the body of her house guest. When you recognize the atmosphere of change, it is imperative for you to make room for it in your life. When you expand your mentality as a result of receiving the Word of God, your life will also expand.
Receiving, without expansion, is a result of barrenness. If you want to see fruit in a dry place, expand your horizons when you hear the Word of God in faith (see II Peter 1:5-8).
When your Desire is truly from God, no one will have to tell you to become intimate with it. No one will have to tell you what to do with it. The prophet did not tell the woman to do anything. He simply walked into the city. He simply walked out the Word that apprehended his life. He gave her no instruction. She did all the work!
When you have validated your desire, YOU WILL DO ALL THE WORK! You will hear from God yourself. You simply need to recognize the atmospheres of change that will walk amongst you. There are many who possess an atmosphere that will make things awaken in you. It is not the person per se, but it is the Atmosphere that they have become intimate with that will awaken your womb of promise.
When your desires are true, the intimacy that you have towards them will cause your desires to become validated, substantiated, and manifested. It will make you do all the work that is necessary to prepare for manifestation. Your Desires are true when they begin to train you themselves!
Dr. Undrai FizerUndrai & Bridget Fizer International
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Googled Myself
I googled myself, and I found something that I'm pretty sure I wrote to the MB Herald years back. Since I don't have any particular blog inspiration today, I'll use this. It's still up to date.
One cell in many
Gerald Janzen (Letters, Feb. 18) wrote that commitment to the church is essential and should be made wholeheartedly. I agree. He also stated, “When we were baptized, we were baptized into the local body of Christ.” Perhaps I read that sentence too narrowly, but that was never the intent of my baptism. I chose to be baptized because I loved Jesus and wanted to publicly say so. I joined the church because it is the family Jesus provided for my nurture and support and because it is the Bride of Christ. At no time did I understand I was being baptized solely into that congregation. I was taking a stand for Christ, and the congregation I was baptized at was the cell of Christ’s body in which He’d placed me to function – one cell among many. Since my baptism, I have been a part of two other congregations of two other denominations. At no time did I feel the need to be baptized into their congregations, nor was it required of me. I found the same Christian love and acceptance that the congregation of my baptism had given me. My baptism had brought me into the whole body of Christ.
Let us be clear on this point. Yes, we must function locally. A cell must function where it has been placed. If you are in a finger, you won’t be doing footwork. But let’s never lose sight of the truth that we are part of a whole, and the cells in the foot are as much our family as those in the surrounding fingers. This realization is essential for us if the body of Christ is ever to dispel the illness of infighting and break down the walls denominations and even congregations have built. Jesus’ prayer was: “I do not pray for the world but for those whom You have given Me [does this not cross denominational boundaries?], for they are Yours . . . Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are” (John 17:9,11b, NKJV).
Cheryl Janzen
One cell in many
Gerald Janzen (Letters, Feb. 18) wrote that commitment to the church is essential and should be made wholeheartedly. I agree. He also stated, “When we were baptized, we were baptized into the local body of Christ.” Perhaps I read that sentence too narrowly, but that was never the intent of my baptism. I chose to be baptized because I loved Jesus and wanted to publicly say so. I joined the church because it is the family Jesus provided for my nurture and support and because it is the Bride of Christ. At no time did I understand I was being baptized solely into that congregation. I was taking a stand for Christ, and the congregation I was baptized at was the cell of Christ’s body in which He’d placed me to function – one cell among many. Since my baptism, I have been a part of two other congregations of two other denominations. At no time did I feel the need to be baptized into their congregations, nor was it required of me. I found the same Christian love and acceptance that the congregation of my baptism had given me. My baptism had brought me into the whole body of Christ.
Let us be clear on this point. Yes, we must function locally. A cell must function where it has been placed. If you are in a finger, you won’t be doing footwork. But let’s never lose sight of the truth that we are part of a whole, and the cells in the foot are as much our family as those in the surrounding fingers. This realization is essential for us if the body of Christ is ever to dispel the illness of infighting and break down the walls denominations and even congregations have built. Jesus’ prayer was: “I do not pray for the world but for those whom You have given Me [does this not cross denominational boundaries?], for they are Yours . . . Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are” (John 17:9,11b, NKJV).
Cheryl Janzen
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Night Shifts
I've had 3 night shifts in the past 4 days. They're evil. But I make good money doing them.
It's warming up here. They say Christmas Day may have a temperature of plus 2.
I want to keep up this blog, but I'm too tired to right now. Later.
It's warming up here. They say Christmas Day may have a temperature of plus 2.
I want to keep up this blog, but I'm too tired to right now. Later.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
I Got Good News
I got a letter yesterday from Compassion Canada about the child I sponsor. He is being withdrawn from the program, because HIS FAMILY IS NOW TOO RICH TO QUALIFY!!! Isn't that great?!!?!! I am so excited for them. It is so great to hear a story of prosperity for a (formerly) poor family. Praise God for his provision. Praise God for good news!!
Monday, December 05, 2005
Death Wish
I am not and never have been suicidal. I feel strongly that life is a precious gift from God that no one has the right to take from anyone else, and that it is the worst of tragedies when someone decides their own life is worthless. I am not suicidal. Just want to make that clear.
But, for the first time in my life I want to die. I have always feared the actual dying, and am still not thrilled with the idea of the passing. (I'm hoping for something painless and quick) But I'm no longer afraid to be dead, because last spring I read something that thrills me.
Let me back up a bit. This story begins in my teenage years. I used to talk to God all the time, not knowing if he would talk to me, but figuring that since he is omniscient and omnipresent at least he'd hear me. Often I thought he was talking back to me, that the thoughts that went through my head were more than just thoughts, more than just my own. But I was never sure. Anyway, my favorite topic of conversation was Heaven. I had lots of ideas of what it should be like, and told God that even though he's sovereign and gets the final say, Heaven should be.....there were lots of things I told him he needed to do.
Anyway, in spring a friend shared a book with me written by a man who was taken to Heaven for a visit (out of the body or in the body I don't know). And I am now convinced that when I spoke to God, he heard and replied. The things this guy saw were very much how I "imagined" them. He says Heaven is not only city, but the city is surrounded by Paradise, that most beautiful garden where Adam and Eve started out. I was so thrilled at that, I just can't tell you. See, I don't particularly like cities, and couldn't see how Heaven could be heavenly without the beauty of natural creation. Also, what are the odds of this man's experience and mine bringing up the same ideas? He also saw homes outside of Zion in Paradise, and was told that some people wanted to live out there and got what they wanted. I'm one of those people!!! In fact, one of my greatest desires regarding Heaven has been living in the countryside, between the mountains and the prairie, next to the River of Life. I'm going there someday!! Thus my death wish. I'm convinced that Heaven is everything I hoped for and more, and I want to go there and live in the Presence of the Loving Creator in his perfect home as soon as possible. I often find myself sighing and wishing I could move on. I have a great life, but Heaven will be so much better.
So I'm thrilled, not just at the hope of Heaven, but at knowing that when I speak to God, he hears and replies.
Life on earth is a precious gift, and I will do my best not to squander it. God has my days here numbered, and I will respect His timeline, but if he took me home tomorrow, I wouldn't mind.
But, for the first time in my life I want to die. I have always feared the actual dying, and am still not thrilled with the idea of the passing. (I'm hoping for something painless and quick) But I'm no longer afraid to be dead, because last spring I read something that thrills me.
Let me back up a bit. This story begins in my teenage years. I used to talk to God all the time, not knowing if he would talk to me, but figuring that since he is omniscient and omnipresent at least he'd hear me. Often I thought he was talking back to me, that the thoughts that went through my head were more than just thoughts, more than just my own. But I was never sure. Anyway, my favorite topic of conversation was Heaven. I had lots of ideas of what it should be like, and told God that even though he's sovereign and gets the final say, Heaven should be.....there were lots of things I told him he needed to do.
Anyway, in spring a friend shared a book with me written by a man who was taken to Heaven for a visit (out of the body or in the body I don't know). And I am now convinced that when I spoke to God, he heard and replied. The things this guy saw were very much how I "imagined" them. He says Heaven is not only city, but the city is surrounded by Paradise, that most beautiful garden where Adam and Eve started out. I was so thrilled at that, I just can't tell you. See, I don't particularly like cities, and couldn't see how Heaven could be heavenly without the beauty of natural creation. Also, what are the odds of this man's experience and mine bringing up the same ideas? He also saw homes outside of Zion in Paradise, and was told that some people wanted to live out there and got what they wanted. I'm one of those people!!! In fact, one of my greatest desires regarding Heaven has been living in the countryside, between the mountains and the prairie, next to the River of Life. I'm going there someday!! Thus my death wish. I'm convinced that Heaven is everything I hoped for and more, and I want to go there and live in the Presence of the Loving Creator in his perfect home as soon as possible. I often find myself sighing and wishing I could move on. I have a great life, but Heaven will be so much better.
So I'm thrilled, not just at the hope of Heaven, but at knowing that when I speak to God, he hears and replies.
Life on earth is a precious gift, and I will do my best not to squander it. God has my days here numbered, and I will respect His timeline, but if he took me home tomorrow, I wouldn't mind.
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