Thursday, October 12, 2006


It's cold. It snowed. The snow is mostly gone. But it's still cold.

Tonight I'm at the library. I'm going to go to a seminar with friends about eating well and saving money while shopping for healthy food. I wonder if it's organic and fair trade.

It is amazing how many enviro-friendly, fair trade things are already available. I've been wondering about it for months, and in the 8 weeks since I actually started talking to people about it, I've found loads of resources right here in my city, or surrounding it. so it will be pretty easy to put together a blog list of these things, if I can get the computer time. I guess I'll have to make time.

I was all proud of myself earlier in the year for going without a car. Saving money and the environment, I figured. Boy did I change my mind fast once the cold hit. I can't afford one right now, but I'd get one right quick if I could. so I guess I'm not the ideal enviro crusader. I never claimed to be perfect.


Anonymous said...

hi Cheryl,

I don't have your # - call me....


Ron said...

Hey Cheryl,

Check out this website it's all about giving up the dependency on cars -- like I'm one to talk!

Anonymous said...

not to rub it in but I am still in flipflops, teeshirts and capris... if you are the shorts and teeshirt type you can still wear that too. Love ya!

Erica said...

You can't complain about the cold today ma cherie!
Its going up to plus ten!
Get out there and enjoy the sunshine before its gone FOREVER!!!

(ok for a few months)

Teegan said...

I personally miss freezing my butt off... I hate summer. And, unfortunately, that is all I'll get for the next 7 months...
oh, and expect a postcard in the mail in the next 2 weeks (or year and a half, depending on Egypt Postal Service).